ACADIA NATIONAL PARK - Naked people is not one of the things thatmost people come to Maine's only national park to see, but publicnudity in the park has been known to happen from time to time, manylocal residents and park officials readily admit.
It is not just the nudists - or naturists, as they often arecalled - who seek out certain areas of the park to swim, sunbathe, orjust hang out that draw the attention of park officials, however.Park rangers have filed criminal charges against people who have beencaught allegedly exposing themselves and either soliciting orengaging in sex.
Last week, a park ranger came across two men allegedly having oralsex at Lake Wood, a popular park-owned swimming site off Crooked Roadnear Hulls Cove that has a reputation as a place where people swim inthe buff. They both were charged with disorderly conduct, accordingto Park Ranger Kevin Cochary.
Lake Wood and Thompson Island, a small chunk of land that connectsRoute 3 on MDI to the mainland, are places where rangers haveinvestigated multiple complaints of men soliciting each other forsex, Cochary said. A few weeks ago, a third man was issued a summonsfor disorderly conduct after he allegedly tried to solicit sex byexposing himself to a plainclothes ranger at Thompson Island, hesaid.
Rangers have stepped up patrols recently and seem to have reducedthe amount of cruising for sex that occurs at these places, theranger said.
"We are aware there is activity both at Lake Wood and ThompsonIsland," Cochary said. "Some of the problems at Lake Wood have beendecreasing because of the extra efforts we've been making."
There is a public restroom at Thompson Island, but Cochary saidthis is not necessarily where the liaisons take place. Sometimesstrangers make contact in one of the small island's parking lots andsometimes they go off into the nearby woods, he said.
An Internet search of the words "Lake Wood" and "Acadia" quicklyturns up two Web sites, one of which is owned by the Boston Globe,that list Lake Wood as one of the best places in the region to go fora nude swim. The search results also include a reference to Lake Woodat, which lists the pond as a place to cruise forsex.
But Cochary emphasized that despite what any Web site or listmight indicate, public nudity or sexual activity is not permitted ortolerated anywhere in Acadia.
"It is illegal. We don't allow it," he said.
Hiking, bicycling, swimming in bathing suits, and other widelyaccepted family friendly activities are the kinds of things the parkencourages, the ranger added.
The men charged Sept. 24 in the Lake Wood incident are TobinFitch, 29, of Trenton, and Brent Lawyer, 46, of Chicago, according toCochary. The man accused of exposing himself on Sept. 16 at ThompsonIsland is Dominick Coyne, 48, of Mount Desert, Cochary said.
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